There are currently no Alerts at Ocean Reef Renewable Energy. Call 1800 XXX XXX (our 24/7 Hotline) to report a Fault or Outage.
It’s OK.
We have several options that can help you.
Some of our options are available to all our residential customers, irrespective of their financial position, while others are offered to residential customers in financial hardship and some to business customers in financial difficulty.
Whether you see yourself in financial hardship or not, the first thing you should do is give us a call and let us know about your situation. Then we can find the right solution to keep you connected and avoid long-term debt.
The last thing we want to do is disconnect you. So as soon as you have any difficulties paying your bill, please call.
We’ll do everything we can to help.
This Payment Assistance and Financial Hardship Policy should be read in conjunction with our Family Violence Policy, which is meant to help if you or someone named on your account is affected by family violence. Our Family Violence Policy is available on our website.
Learn about your financial assistance options and discover what concessions and rebates are available by visiting the Concessions & Rebates page on our website.